CURRENT IAPMO AND ASSE NATIONAL STANDARDS OF CANADA Purchase or view online versions of the current IAPMO and ASSE National Standards of Canada

This document specifies general safety and performance requirements for design and testing as well as sustainability considerations for non-sewered sanitation systems (NSSS). A NSSS, for the purposes of this document, is a prefabricated integrated treatment unit, comprising frontend (toilet facility) and backend (treatment facility) components that a) collects, conveys, and fully treats the specific input within the system, to allow for safe reuse or disposal of the generated solid, liquid, and gaseous output, and b) is not connected to a networked sewer or networked drainage systems. This document is applicable to sanitation systems that are either manufactured as one package, or manufactured as a set of prefabricated elements designed to be assembled in one location without further fabrication or modification that influences the system function. The plane or surface (e.g. flooring, concrete pad) upon which a fully assembled NSSS is situated is beyond the scope of this document. This document is not applicable to sanitation systems constructed in situ. This document also covers NSSS backend components that are designed to be integrated with one or more specified frontends. Although this document is primarily applicable to the development of sanitation systems that are not connected to water and electricity networks, it can also be applied to systems that can utilize water mains and/or electricity. This document defines the basic treatable input as primarily human excreta and gives options for extending the range of input substances. Requirements for the quality of the outputs from the sanitation system are given for solid and liquid discharges as well as odour, air, and noise emissions. It contains criteria for the safety, functionality, usability, reliability, and maintainability of the system, as well as its compatibility with environmental protection goals. This document does not encompass the following aspects: — guidelines for selection, installation, operation and maintenance, and management of sanitation systems; — transportation of treated output outside of the sanitation system (e.g. manual transport, transportation by truck or trunk pipes) for further processing, reuse, or disposal; — treatment processes taking place at another location separate from that of the frontend and backend components; — reuse and disposal of sanitation system output.

Purchase ANSI/CAN/IAPMO/ISO 30500-2019 Standard
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Chemical dispensing systems provide a means of mixing potable water with chemicals to provide the user with a chemical solution which is ready for use. The amount of dilution shall be fixed or adjustable. Devices covered by this standard are intended for stationary installations, mobile devices where the orientations are fixed, and hand-held devices. This standard applies to those devices classified as chemical dispensing systems and shall be protected by an air gap complying to ASME A112.1.3-2000 (R2015), an integral elastomer gap, or an Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker (AVB). If an AVB is used as its method of backflow protection, it must conform with ASSE 1001 or CSA B64.1.1.

Purchase ASSE/IAPMO/ANSI/CAN/1055-2023 English Standard 
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This Standard covers prefabricated gravity grease interceptors made of concrete, fiber‐reinforced polyester (FRP), thermoplastic, or steel and specifies requirements for design, materials, performance, testing, and markings.

Purchase ANSI/CAN/IAPMO Z1001-2021 Standard English   
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This Standard covers urinal and water closet partitions and specifies requirements for materials, construction, performance testing, and markings. This standard shall not regulate field installed walls or doors used to provide privacy for water closets or urinals constructed in compliance with the building code.

Purchase IAPMO/ANSI/CAN Z124.10-2022 Standard English
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1 Scope

1.1 Scope
1.1.1 This Standard covers press connections made with:
   (a) copper or copper alloy fittings and Type K, L, and M copper tube;
   (b) carbon steel fittings and Schedule 10 and 40 carbon steel pipe;
   (c) stainless steel fittings and Schedule 5, 10, and 40 stainless steel pipe; or
   (d) stainless steel fittings and stainless steel pipe complying with the dimensions specified in Table 1.
1.1.2 This Standard specifies requirements for materials, physical characteristics, performance testing, and markings.
1.1.3 Products covered by this standard include fittings, tube, and pipe with press connection ends combined with other types of connections (e.g., threaded, soldered, and push‐fit).
1.1.4 Carbon steel fittings and pipe covered by this standard are not intended to be used in potable water supply systems.
Purchase IAPMO/ANSI/CAN Z1117-2022 Standard   
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This Standard covers solid waste containment interceptors intended for commercial and residential applications and specifies requirements for materials, physical characteristics, performance testing, and markings. Solid waste containment interceptors covered by this standard include trap interceptors and non‐trap interceptors of various configurations (see Figures 1 and 2). Examples of some, but not all, solid waste containment interceptor applications include dental offices, medical offices, laundry applications and testing laboratories.

Purchase IAPMO/ANSI/CAN Z1167-2023 Standard English  
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1 Scope

1.1 General
1.1.1 This standard covers devices for detection, monitoring or control of water supply and distribution systems in sizes DN 8 to DN 300 (NPS‐1/4 to NPS‐12) for commercial and residential applications and specifies requirements for materials, performance testing, environmental limitations, installation, and markings.
1.1.2 Devices for detection, monitoring or control of plumbing systems, hereinafter referred to as “devices”, covered by this standard govern plumbing systems through features such as:
(a) Automatic shut‐off or electronic alarm notification or isolation of the supply piping when conditions are detected indicating a leak or equipment malfunction (e.g. automatic water leak detection and control device).
(b) Detecting the presence of water external to the piping system.
(c) Establishing normal water flow patterns and monitoring for anomalies.
(d) Monitoring of the hydraulic conditions (e.g. water pressure, temperature, or flow) within the main or branch circuit.
(e) Monitoring of the local environment that may indicate potential for freeze conditions; or
(f) Monitoring of the local environment for moisture that may indicate a leak (e.g. Physical Water/Moisture Detection Devices).
(g) Monitoring of environmental conditions.
(h) Ongoing analysis of sensor readings or system conditions to ensure monitoring of system integrity.
(i) Pressure based or other means of micro leak testing for detection of pinhole leaks or dripping fixtures; or
(j) Provide hardwired or remote access to control a valve (e.g. remotely controlled valves).

Note: Several common terms are used to identify devices covered under this standard a few examples of such terms are Water Leak Detection Device, Automatic Water Leak Detection Device, Leak Detection and Control Device, Adaptive Plumbing System Monitoring and Control Device, and Electronic Plumbing Supply System Integrity and Protection Device.

Purchase ANSI/CAN/IAPMO Z1349-2021 English   
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